Saturday, June 11, 2011

"Beast Mothers"

      So my oldest is learning to spell and sometimes, it just doesn't come out right. Or does it?  After getting into some trouble this morning, she and her little sister decided to make cards for their mama. My guess is that they were worried their trip to Darien Lake would be off if some major buttering up didn't occur. She told me she and her younger sister were going to throw me a party, but did the cards instead.  So, I open it:

             Here are some flowers for the beast mother.  I love you!

Wishing all my fellow beast mothers flowers and these funny thoughts!



Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"It's the botttom of the 9th and other cliches that hold and do not hold truth"

                  Little Seamus or Fionna will soon appear. Are we ready? In some ways, I feel like that person who forgot their favorite bat. They might not have everything in order, but they will do the best they can with the skills and talent that they have. After seven years of being a mother, I would hope all the baby stuff comes back. Yet why do I feel  like such a rookie all of a sudden?
                It will feel like old hat, having a baby again.  Will it? Many of my old hats are stretched out and worn out. I am afraid of that. Two kids later- worn and worn out  definitely  describe how I feel on a bad day.
        Going from two to three is cake walk, compared to going from one to two. Again,  I go back to the rookie and worn out sensation.  What is a cake walk anyway?
           You will forget about the child birth pain and remember the joy of having the baby.  Really? Right now I am worried about the pain and the time it will take to deliver. Rachel was epidural free and a much easier birth compared to Ally, who I had an epidural with and a much more difficult labor. Yet I think drugs right now!! Drugs!
           You will find your way and a new normal. I still struggle with finding my way with my little ones. Normal seems to change by the week.
            There's nothing to fear but fear itself. There's a whole lot to fear. I am really good at finding it

Excuse me everyone, I am just having some jitters and anxious thoughts. Please wish me well and pray for a healthy baby and a healthy, quick, and safe delivey.