I sometimes feel like supermom emerges in the shower in the morning. Before it, I am a blurry eyed woman, much in need of coffee, and half responding to the world around me. As I go into what is equivalent to a phone booth for this supermom, I ready myself for whatever crisis is about to come upon the household or whatever adventure.
My cape is well used and is sometimes fraying in the back. Sometimes it's terribly wrinkled, stained, and faded. Sometimes it's dazzling and magnificent. There comes a time in the day when the supermom cape goes off and I join my fellow supermoms for that magical time when I return to being just me while the children sleep. The problem comes when I can't see beyond my masked disguise and that woman I am outside my supermom role is blurry. Sometimes I have no idea how to leave Gotham City or the cave. Sometimes, I just fall asleep and the cape is still on me, yet I am on the ground with no means of flight. I am somewhere between being adjusted to all the changes in our life and just somewhere.
But I guess my cryptonite is increased sleep and setting up somewhat of a routine. Or perhaps it is gaining more of a flexibility in attitude and rolling with things more easily. But there are so many battles and fires to put out. There are meltdowns to take care of and hunger pains to calm. There are little people with desperate cries for help.There is trying to figure out how to find time with Superman. Motherhood certainly is a warped speed.So I go inward and try to figure it out, but you can bet I'll be flying around tomorrow.
Oh sweetie I feel you. I hear you loud and clear. Go not only inward, but look to the Father for your strength and your youness. He made you and knows exactly who you are and how to help. Let me know if I can help with some of those fires or hunger pains and give you some quiet time! Love and hugs!