I am not sure who penned the famous quote about writing to experience life twice. In joy or in sorrow, I know that writing has always allowed me that privilege. Today, well really yesterday already, I mark Patrick's one month birthday. To write, right now, is to experience the sheer joy, once again of the little cricket's birth. It is to remember the tiniest and most extraordinary detail of the early morning he was born, as spring was becoming summer and our family grew to five. The little boy I was sure I was carrying came quickly into the world after three hours of some serious back labor. It was a labor so different than my girls, perhaps reminding me in a big way of the new sensation, phenomenon, I was to experience with adding a boy to our midst. Surrounded by some extraordinary women: Ceil- my friend, midwife, nursepractioner. her student Dawn ,who will be as incredible as Ceil is in her futue practice, my mother, my sister, our friend Ann, and my husband, I found my own strength through their strength, to deliver our beautiful boy.
In meeting Patrick, I was immediately struck by his resemblance to our oldest, Allison, and how he had the presence of an old soul. If our son resembled Allison, he certainly resembled my husband. As I marveled at him, I wondered about his place in our family and his personality. I thought about odd things like who the women he would date would be like after having two big sisters. I wondered how his sisters would take to him. To see them meet their little brother for the first time was one of the most tender moments of my life. I will never forget their expressions at seeing them meet him and then seeing them for the first time after being away from them like I was, Their level of concern in their little faces was precious and priceless.
So a month later we continue to adjust in our daily lives to the rhythm of a newborn. But certainly there is not a more beautiful song....